Why can’t I sleep? There I sat-exhausted, depressed, despairing, anxious, fearful, perplexed and, quite frankly, mad. By no stretch of the imagination am I an expert in spiritual warfare, but with a cup of coffee in my hand and gallons of gloom in my heart, I blurted out, “If there is any demon that is preventing me from sleeping, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ-tell me your name.” Immediately, and I do mean pronto and forthwith, this name popped into my mind- “Argon.” Argon? With only a moment’s delay I tenaciously continued, “Argon, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of who I am in Him and who He is in me, I command you to immediately leave me and I cast you into the abyss.” And then I finished my coffee.
A couple of hours later I sent an email to Don Dickerman Ministries, I wrote, “I ran into a demon this morning named ‘Argon’. Have you ever encountered a demon by this name, and if you have what can you tell me about him?” The office responded with they had, indeed, run into a demon called Argon and that this demon causes pain and sleeplessness. Mind you they had no idea that I had ever suffered from sleeplessness nor did I mention to him what led to my encounter with Argon that morning.
So what has been the result of that encounter? That night, for the first time that I could remember in eight years, I slept like a baby; and the next night, too. Since that cold, dark, depressing morning I have not had a single night that I have not slept like a log. The change was immediate, instantaneous, and now uninterrupted for the past five months. I now go to bed, go to sleep, and wake up rested. I look forward to bedtime. After eight years I can sleep again. Praise the Lord. Yesterday while my wife and I were on a walk I said to her, “What do you make of my not being able to sleep for so long and now I sleep like a log every night.” She simply replied, “Argon is gone.” He is indeed!
Chip, Georgia